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50% discount on full price ( 10.00€ ) for a limited period******************************************************************************The solution for the emergency. The Civil Protection application turns your smartphone into a tool for meeting and exchange of information for rescue workers, professionals, volunteers of Civil Defence staff of the Fire Brigade, Police and Local Police, Public and ordinary citizens. The App Civil Protection focuses on two fundamental aspects of the Civil Defence emergency management by operators and citizens' response to disasters. You will quickly provide useful notions for an adequate response to all kinds of disasters and make it immediately accessible to all, the essential rules of conduct to be followed in case of an emergency for "self-protection". In summary you will "have on hand" answers to questions or concerns, even in the absence of data network connection (offline use), such as: - What to do; - Where to find help; - How to prepare to respond to an event; - Who to contact in case of emergency. Part of the proceeds of the sale of the application will be earmarked for investment in the development of projects to implement structures and equipment used for training and the training of Civil Protection (volunteers, rescue workers, professionals, etc.).. This will make 'to improve the quality and professionalism acquired by all those who are committed, and work to improve the functioning of the Italian Civil Protection System. "To manage a crisis need to be able to learn quickly. To learn quickly during the crisis that you have already learned a long time ago. "Patrick Lagadec For more information about our contacts are: Tel: +39377.9546726 E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.scuolaitalianaprotezionecivile.it Find us on Facebook (www.facebook.com scuolaitalianaprotezionecivilesrl) and Twitter (@ sipctwitt)
Disclaimer / Legal Content, character, concern and responsibility. Application pages "Civil Protection" provide general information and are a service to visitors. The Italian School of Civil Protection (SIPC) reserves the right to supplement, modify or delete the content of these pages at any time without notice or explanation. As with other materials publishing, information may become outdated over time. Through careful selection and monitoring, SIPC is committed to providing accurate and relevant information. Nevertheless, we assume no liability for the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the statements and information provided in the pages of the site and everything that goes with it. The SIPC shall not be liable for any consequences. For further information, inquiry, curiosity or any reports send an email to: [email protected] For further information please visit www.scuolaitalianaprotezionecivile.it